Book Launch Day

Book Launch Day

The day has come and I'm beyond excited! I'll keep it short and to the point. Below you will find the description of my story followed by the links of where you can purchase it. Happy reading and please help me out. If you do not want to buy share this so someone in your acquaintance can.

"Dare" by Lisa Borne Graves

It all started with a dare. A kissed note slipped into the locker of Mia’s longtime crush managed to capture Gray’s attention, but how to get her first-ever kiss from him proves more problematic. With every dare there’s a second option. Will truth give them a shot at romance or will her kiss sputter out on the page?

"Then, feeling very much like a fool, I kissed the corner of the paper and pulled away. A solid, seductive, pouty kiss mark was irrevocable evidence that I had lost my mind over a boy."

You can buy this story with seven others in the Kissed Anthology in digital or print forms. Click on the following link for a universal place to see all versions for sale...Buy here

Happy reading!